You can support older versions of Webkit (Chrome and Safari) by using a 0 to 1. Making images gray using the CSS3 grayscale filter BeFused The filter can be used for blur, sepia, contrast as well as grayscale (and more). How To Make an Image Greyscale in CSS Gravitywell May 14, 2012. Say Hello to Webkit Filters Dec 22, 2011. Cross-Browser CSS Grayscale GitHub Aug 26, 2012. Forcing Grayscale Printing CSS-Tricks Jun 11, 2012.
Gray Chrome 19, Safari 6, Safari 6 iOS -webkit-filter: grayscale(100). Applying Grayscale Using CSS Filters m Nov 23, 2013. CSS Filter Effects Method of applying filter effects (like blur, grayscale, brightness, contrast and. For Safari 6 you can use this link. Table for CSS3 Filter Effects it shows that Chrome 21, Safari 6.
Css3 - Grayscale image with CSS on Safari 5.x - Stack Overflow

Webkit-filter: grayscale(100 Chrome 19, Safari 6, Safari 6 iOS . 1 Supported in Firefox under the lters. Webkit-filter: grayscale( 1 Google Chrome, Safari 6 Opera 15 ). Filter: grayscale(0 filter: sepia(0 filter: saturate(1 filter: hue-rotate(0deg filter: invert(0 filter: opacity(1 filter). Css3 - Grayscale image with CSS on Safari 5.x - Stack Overflow The problem is on Safari for Mac and Safari for Windows.
Here is the code I have so far: filter: url( ggreyscale filter: gray). Using the filter CSS property you can apply visual effects to your. Ayscale:hover filter: grayscale(0 -webkit-filter:.6s ease Fade to color for Chrome and Safari filter: url( data:imagesvgxmlutf8). Cross-Browser Image Grayscale with CSS Karl Horky - Blog Jun 24, 2012. Support Chrome 18, Firefox 4, IExplorer 6, Safari 5.2, Opera 13. Was included in Chrome 18 and will work in Safari from version 5.2.

CSS3 filters CSS transitions, CSS transforms and CSS animation
Webkit-filter: grayscale(100 Chrome 19, Safari 6, Safari 6 iOS ). CSS3 filters CSS transitions, CSS transforms and CSS animation How to use CSS3 Filters. Change the color of all images to black and white (100 gray img - webkit-filter: grayscale(100 Chrome, Safari, Opera filter: grayscale(100). However, with the filter CSS3 tag having recently landed in webkit this is. View raw s hosted with by GitHub. CSS3 filter effects: Grayscale, invert, sepia, and more - TechRepublic Oct 25, 2012.
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